Instrument Loan

Western and Chinese instruments are available for loan for students’ use in the semester, as assigned and approved by your Head of Study and / or Artistic Director. This would depend on the repertoire of the ensemble at any point in time.

Upon notification by the Head of Study and / or Artistic Director on the assignment and approval of instrument loan, instrumentalists should email the respective Executive Officers to book an appointment for the loan of instruments:

Strings, Woodwinds and Brass: Ms Lin Rui
Chinese Instruments: Ms Boo Sze Jie
Classroom Percussion Instruments and Keyboards (for pianists): Mr Jax Ang

Storage Cabinets for Musical Instruments

Storage cabinets for musical instruments are available and are provided to you if you place a deposit (refundable). Instrumentalists should contact the following staff to be allocated a cabinet:

Strings, Woodwinds and Brass: Ms Lin Rui
Chinese Instruments: Ms Boo Sze Jie

The use of Music Studios for storage of personal items or instruments is not allowed and any items found in the studios will be removed.

NAFA does not accept responsibility for the safety of students’ instruments within (or outside) of the Academy. It is your responsibility to ensure your instrument is suitably insured.